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Copywriting - the art of words to words


Our copywriting services are perfect for those who know what they want to say but don't quite have the finesse to put it into a concise, stylish, effective framework so that their message is presented in the clearest possible manner.  

Copywriting Services

Our copywriting experience has been 26 years in the making. From writing feature articles and editorial copy for trade magazines, instruction manuals, advertising copy, brochures and catalogues to composing effective email campaign copy, white papers, website copy and social media posts. 


With SEO being so important, we will compose copy that utilizes your keywords and phrases so that your electronic communications such as website  copy, online ads , social media and email campaigns will contribute to higher search engine rankings and be more easily found by your target market in their online searches.


We can do it all for you.


Fees are structured by the word or by the hour depending on the nature of the job.  Contact us for a free consultation and quote!


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