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Music & Audio Production Services


Do you need background music for your website or power-point presentation? Underscore or theme song music  for your corporate video?  Do you want to have a Podcast or series of podcasts created for your website or social media pages?  Or perhaps you want to create an audio package for training your staff? We have the tools and recording facility to do all of this for you. 

Audio Production

"Where words fail, music speaks".  These are the words of Hans Christian Andersen and no truer words have ever been spoken. 


Try watching a movie of your favourite sad scene but turn the sound off and just watch the picture. Then watch the same scene again but now turn up the volume so the music speaks. I think all would agree that with the music, this scene is much more effective. 


Music adds drama to your video productions. If composed correctly it can enhance certain scenes by adding impact and emotion. The trick is matching the right music with the video. Sometimes it can be found in a stock music track, but other times you need something more intimate and tailored to the message you are trying to convey to the viewer.

We have over 30 years of experience as professional recording producers and engineers. Our professional musicians and state-of-the-art recording equipment will produce music that will add amazing impact to your video production.


Our music and audio productions have been broadcast all over the world.  Our work speaks for itself.

You can see for yourself HERE!





Social Media


Corporate/Industrial Video

Live Theatre


Game Design

Traditional and Satellite Radio Program Production




Audio Book Production

Training Programs Packaged on Audio

Radio Programming Production (for syndication)

Audio Education Package Production

New media


Tailor-made to suit your budget or format.

In-house recording and production facilities


Multimedia Content Creation - Photography - Video - Audio - Copywriting

© 2018 KRH Multimedia Solutions

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